Otherwise, there isn't a lot to report other than that there are a lot of projects that are underway. I've got new pieces for "Shades of Silver and String" and "Sounds of a Sphere", a new flute quartet (to be performed at one of the Silveridge orchestra concerts), as well as a new composition for concert band (to be performed at one of the Mesa Band concerts). My recital of students and friends (December 5th) is coming up and we're rehearsing a lot for that. Then, of course, there's the swing band, the concert band, the orchestra... Not to mention that Anali and I are attending the Phoenix Symphony this Friday for Dvorak's New World Symphony. It's a great mixture of composing, teaching, rehearsing, performing, and attending concerts--the five 'food groups' of any healthy musician's life.
Oh, right... Thanksgiving is tomorrow too. :-) Happy Thanksgiving everyone!