Rubber, Meet Road is my album of pieces written for solo jazz piano, specifically for use with my students. Because of this, I hope that each piece is accessible and relatively easy to learn. These pieces will cover a wide range of jazz styles--everything from blues, swing, rock, modern and anything else that inspires me.
I've modeled my notation after the standards used in the Associated Board (ABRSM) materials so my pieces can be used in conjunction with these fine books. The notes shown in the boxes are suggested notes for improvising. Of course, adventurous students can experiment to their heart's desire, but these pitches are a good place to start. (Posted 3-9-11)
I've modeled my notation after the standards used in the Associated Board (ABRSM) materials so my pieces can be used in conjunction with these fine books. The notes shown in the boxes are suggested notes for improvising. Of course, adventurous students can experiment to their heart's desire, but these pitches are a good place to start. (Posted 3-9-11)
Put It In The BagThis tune is loosely based on Milt Jackson's "Bags' Groove" (hence the name). (Posted 8-31-11)
Fat Cat StrutI wrote this piece for young students just beginning to learn about syncopation and jazz concepts. Both hands stay in one position throughout, so it is very suitable for beginners. (Posted 6-24-11)
Flat Tire SwingThis is a fun little swinging piece, perfect for summer. Maybe someday I'll add one to our backyard. (Posted 6-24-11)
Get Off My BeatWhen played with a strict rhythm, the syncopations will pop right out of this piece. Play it with a metronome for practice, but play it with a drum kit for even more fun! (Posted 3-9-11)